Kosorikōsori alpha


An opinionated toast component for React.


Sonner is built and maintained by @emilkowalski_.


Install the dependencies

Install the sonner and next-themes package.

npm install sonner next-themes

Copy-paste the component

Copy and paste the component code in a .tsx file.

'use client';
import { clsx } from 'clsx/lite';
import { useTheme } from 'next-themes';
import { Toaster as Sonner } from 'sonner';
import { tv } from 'tailwind-variants';
const sonnerStyles = tv({
  slots: {
    base: 'toaster group',
    toast: clsx(
      'toast group',
      'group-[.toaster]:border-grey-line group-[.toaster]:bg-grey-base group-[.toaster]:text-grey-text-contrast group-[.toaster]:shadow-lg',
    description: 'group-[.toast]:text-grey-text',
    actionButton: clsx(
      'group-[.toast]:data-[button]:h-8 group-[.toast]:data-[button]:rounded-lg group-[.toast]:data-[button]:bg-primary-solid group-[.toast]:data-[button]:px-2.5 group-[.toast]:data-[button]:text-grey-base group-[.toast]:data-[button]:transition-colors group-[.toast]:data-[button]:duration-200',
      'group-[.toast]:data-[button]:focus-visible:ring-4 group-[.toast]:data-[button]:focus-visible:ring-primary-focus-ring',
    cancelButton: clsx(
      'group-[.toast]:data-[button]:h-8 group-[.toast]:data-[button]:rounded-lg group-[.toast]:data-[button]:border group-[.toast]:data-[button]:border-solid group-[.toast]:data-[button]:border-grey-border group-[.toast]:data-[button]:bg-grey-base group-[.toast]:data-[button]:px-2.5 group-[.toast]:data-[button]:text-grey-text-contrast group-[.toast]:data-[button]:transition-colors group-[.toast]:data-[button]:duration-200',
      'group-[.toast]:data-[button]:hover:border-grey-border-hover group-[.toast]:data-[button]:hover:bg-grey-bg-subtle',
      'group-[.toast]:data-[button]:focus-visible:ring-4 group-[.toast]:data-[button]:focus-visible:ring-grey-focus-ring',
const { base, toast, description, actionButton, cancelButton } = sonnerStyles();
type ToasterProps = React.ComponentProps<typeof Sonner>;
 * Toaster component that provides a way to display toast notifications.
 * @param {ToasterProps} props - The props for the Toaster component.
 * @example
 * toast('Event has been created.');
 * @see {@link https://dub.sh/ui-toaster Toaster Docs} for further information.
export const Toaster = ({ ...props }: ToasterProps) => {
  const { theme = 'system' } = useTheme();
  return (
      theme={theme as ToasterProps['theme']}
        classNames: {
          toast: toast(),
          description: description(),
          actionButton: actionButton(),
          cancelButton: cancelButton(),

Update import paths

Update the @kosori/ui import paths to fit your project structure, for example, using ~/components/ui.

Add Toaster component

Add the <Toaster /> component to the root of your app.

import { Toaster } from '~/components/ui/sonner'; 
export default const RootLayout = ({ children }) => {
  return (
    <html lang='en'>
      <head />
        <Toaster />


import { toast } from 'sonner';
toast('Event has been created.');

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