Kosorikōsori alpha


A responsive table component.

A list of your recent invoices.
INV001PaidCredit Card$250.00
INV003UnpaidBank Transfer$350.00
INV004PaidCredit Card$450.00
INV006PendingBank Transfer$200.00
INV007UnpaidCredit Card$300.00


Copy-paste the component

Copy and paste the component code in a .tsx file.

import { forwardRef } from 'react';
import { clsx } from 'clsx/lite';
import { tv } from 'tailwind-variants';
const tableStyles = tv({
  slots: {
    baseWrapper: 'relative w-full overflow-auto',
    base: 'w-full caption-bottom text-sm',
    header: '[&_tr]:border-b [&_tr]:border-grey-line',
    body: '[&_tr:last-child]:border-0',
    footer: clsx(
      'border-t border-grey-line bg-grey-bg font-medium',
    head: clsx(
      'h-10 px-2 text-left align-middle font-medium text-grey-text',
    row: clsx(
      'border-b border-grey-line transition-colors',
    cell: clsx(
      'p-2 align-middle',
    caption: 'mt-4 text-sm text-grey-text',
const { baseWrapper, base, header, body, footer, head, row, cell, caption } =
type TableRef = HTMLTableElement;
type TableProps = React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableElement>;
 * Table component that serves as a container for tabular data.
 * @param {TableProps} props - The props for the Table component.
 * @example
 * <Table>
 *   <TableCaption>A list of your recent invoices.</TableCaption>
 *   <TableHeader>
 *     <TableRow>
 *       <TableHead className='w-[100px]'>Invoice</TableHead>
 *       <TableHead>Status</TableHead>
 *       <TableHead>Method</TableHead>
 *       <TableHead className='text-right'>Amount</TableHead>
 *     </TableRow>
 *   </TableHeader>
 *   <TableBody>
 *     <TableRow>
 *       <TableCell className='font-medium'>INV001</TableCell>
 *       <TableCell>Paid</TableCell>
 *       <TableCell>Credit Card</TableCell>
 *       <TableCell className='text-right'>$250.00</TableCell>
 *     </TableRow>
 *   </TableBody>
 * </Table>
 * @see {@link https://dub.sh/ui-table Table Docs} for further information.
export const Table = forwardRef<TableRef, TableProps>(
  ({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
    <div className={baseWrapper()}>
      <table ref={ref} className={base({ className })} {...props} />
Table.displayName = 'Table';
 * TableHeader component that represents the header section of the table.
 * @param {React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableSectionElement>} props - The props for the TableHeader component.
 * @example
 * <TableHeader>
 *   <TableRow>
 *     <TableHead>Header</TableHead>
 *   </TableRow>
 * </TableHeader>
export const TableHeader = forwardRef<
>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
  <thead ref={ref} className={header({ className })} {...props} />
TableHeader.displayName = 'TableHeader';
type TableBodyRef = HTMLTableSectionElement;
type TableBodyProps = React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableSectionElement>;
 * TableBody component that represents the body section of the table.
 * @param {TableBodyProps} props - The props for the TableBody component.
 * @example
 * <TableBody>
 *   <TableRow>
 *     <TableCell>Data</TableCell>
 *   </TableRow>
 * </TableBody>
export const TableBody = forwardRef<TableBodyRef, TableBodyProps>(
  ({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
    <tbody ref={ref} className={body({ className })} {...props} />
TableBody.displayName = 'TableBody';
type TableFooterRef = HTMLTableSectionElement;
type TableFooterProps = React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableSectionElement>;
 * TableFooter component that represents the footer section of the table.
 * @param {TableFooterProps} props - The props for the TableFooter component.
 * @example
 * <TableFooter>
 *   <TableRow>
 *     <TableCell>Footer Data</TableCell>
 *   </TableRow>
 * </TableFooter>
export const TableFooter = forwardRef<TableFooterRef, TableFooterProps>(
  ({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
    <tfoot ref={ref} className={footer({ className })} {...props} />
TableFooter.displayName = 'TableFooter';
type TableHeadRef = HTMLTableCellElement;
type TableHeadProps = React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableCellElement>;
 * TableHead component that represents a header cell in the table.
 * @param {TableHeadProps} props - The props for the TableHead component.
 * @example
 * <TableHead>Header</TableHead>
export const TableHead = forwardRef<TableHeadRef, TableHeadProps>(
  ({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
    <th ref={ref} className={head({ className })} {...props} />
TableHead.displayName = 'TableHead';
type TableRowRef = HTMLTableRowElement;
type TableRowProps = React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableRowElement>;
 * TableRow component that represents a row in the table.
 * @param {TableRowProps} props - The props for the TableRow component.
 * @example
 * <TableRow>
 *   <TableCell>Row Data</TableCell>
 * </TableRow>
export const TableRow = forwardRef<TableRowRef, TableRowProps>(
  ({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
    <tr ref={ref} className={row({ className })} {...props} />
TableRow.displayName = 'TableRow';
type TableCellRef = HTMLTableCellElement;
type TableCellProps = React.TdHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableCellElement>;
 * TableCell component that represents a cell in the table.
 * @param {TableCellProps} props - The props for the TableCell component.
 * @example
 * <TableCell>Cell Data</TableCell>
export const TableCell = forwardRef<TableCellRef, TableCellProps>(
  ({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
    <td ref={ref} className={cell({ className })} {...props} />
TableCell.displayName = 'TableCell';
type TableCaptionRef = HTMLTableCaptionElement;
type TableCaptionProps = React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableCaptionElement>;
 * TableCaption component that provides a caption for the table.
 * @param {TableCaptionProps} props - The props for the TableCaption component.
 * @example
 * <TableCaption>Table Caption</TableCaption>
export const TableCaption = forwardRef<TableCaptionRef, TableCaptionProps>(
  ({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
    <caption ref={ref} className={caption({ className })} {...props} />
TableCaption.displayName = 'TableCaption';

Update import paths

Update the @kosori/ui import paths to fit your project structure, for example, using ~/components/ui.


import {
} from '~/components/ui/table';
  <TableCaption>A list of your recent invoices.</TableCaption>
      <TableHead className='w-[100px]'>Invoice</TableHead>
      <TableHead className='text-right'>Amount</TableHead>
      <TableCell className='font-medium'>INV001</TableCell>
      <TableCell>Credit Card</TableCell>
      <TableCell className='text-right'>$250.00</TableCell>

Data Table

You can use the <Table /> component to build more complex data tables. Combine it with @tanstack/react-table to create tables with sorting, filtering and pagination.

See the Data Table documentation for more information.

You can also see an example of a data table in the Tasks demo.

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